Augmented Reality Brand

Augmented Reality Brand

Plexus is imagining the Way Users Interact with the Brand.

AR and VR products represent a “shiny new toy” – a must-have accessory. To others, AR and VR represent the future, the foundation upon which new and existing brands can thrive.Leading companies realize that time waits for no one, and as a result, have used AR/VR technology to create exciting products and unforgettable customer experiences.
Advance Marketing via AR
Virtual beings mean big business
♣ Virtual beings are humanised chat bots, digital characters or digital threads that use machine learning and artificial intelligence. They are designed to mimic real-world behaviours that create a whole new model for interactive & immersive experience when connected through internet. Customers, no longer interacting with websites; they want to interact with engaging characters who appear like human & emote the real-world conversation.  The back engine of conversational AI picks up the data & offers content & responses that increase the interactions & helps sell.
Recruit, train and retain your own marketing team
VR is being used. Marketing teams can make use of AR and VR to test potential employees on different parts of a virtual line and how they react to the environment and tools without physically putting them at risk. These tools require advanced thinking & can impact the sales and the way the customers behave. Many brands have already started adding AR and VR into their marketing mix to stay ahead of the curve.
Sales Promotions through AR app
Product Tracking (Through Explainable AI)
Uses Supply Chain Solutions (Track & Trace) combined with AR MR & explainable AI features.
Product Visualisation (Virtual Show Case)

Brand Activation and Engagement.

Take a traditional, offline channel and add Plexus augmented reality solutions to generate engagement, lower costs, and increase sales for improving your brand image. Lead your customers to conversion directly from Conversational AI & Augmented data management behind the scene accurately.

New Marketing Channel (NexGen Services - led by AR & Explainable AI)

Plexus helps connect  offline marketing channel with an conversational, connected, and immersive digital platform using  Mobile AR platform that helps you tell the brand story in a new way. AR is used to create an immersive, interactive and engaging experience by combining components of plexus digital platforms that orchestrate Videos, 3D animations and information provisioned from intelligent data buses.


AR for marketing is the new trend that helps one become a good brand. Augmented reality for marketing campaigns gives competitive advantage & cutting edge to to grow the business in accelerated mode. It helps brands give their customers unique mobile experiences using Plexus AR Solutions, enhancing the customer experience, leading to increased business opportunities and sales.

IoT Converging Physical and Digital.

IoT allows the connected objects to operated remotely and can be monitored using VR solutions to improve the productivity and efficiency of the company. Plexus IoT packed VR solutions work with Google, Microsoft & AWS Platforms to quickly establish, demonstrate the new products on any virtual store front & market place.


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