Augmented Reality for Publishing

AR for Publishing

Augmented Reality Print Media

Dynamic Publishing
Dynamic publishing is all-embracing new trend that includes the publishing of customised materials to a wide range of media channels in real-time multi-channel world.
Interactive Media & Contents
Use of digital device assisted (Tablet or Mobile based) contents integrated with AR VR solutions mapped to end to end life cycle & usage of content.
eLearning through Digital Content, AR, VR
Map the curriculum & courses to end to to end life cycle with tests & lab solutions
Readability driven VR (Gadget optimised of contents - Kindle)

Augment Publishing

Plexus Augmented Publishing Solutions helps across the life cycle of publishing (end to end) from content finalisation, ebook creation, integration with animated & virtual reality content, ISBN allotment to market place integration (for pricing & sales on Amazon or Flipkart))  reducing the use of paper.

AR Brochures

Plexus Augmented Reality Brochures help visualise the end result & explains the RoI for customer’s spend. Plexus uses conversational AI to help customers conclude on their choice & finalise the order.


AR VR embeded eBooks

Using AR driven immersive experience with Books (e.g Textbooks, Novels, Authored books) can transform the reading experience of a reader. Authors or readers can reach out to each other & interact instantly.

Augmented Reality News Paper & Magazine

Plexus AR VR powered 3D contents helps media 7 publishing houses connect with the audience in new ways using AR advertorials, retrieval of digitalised historical contents contents. Plexus also helps publishing houses digitise the contents embedding all new technology features (AR, MR, Digital, AI, ML, DL) into old contents.



Plexus Augmented Reality Business cards, is a pocket-size pen profile that helps you  provide more information eliminating the risk of loosing the information due to contact saving linkages & auto scan features in mobile devices.

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