Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0

Plexus Digitals brings in the “Spatial Computing to Industry 4.0 to create the Immersive World Solution:

Industry 4.0 is the so called 4th industry revolution that signifies the convergence of Physical & Digital by adoption of disruptive digital technologies to make everything smart about Product (bringing in new experiences), plant (connecting the enterprise resources through Autonomous Things) & after market (serving with increased agility at PoS.. Market is enforcing Businesses to launch new variant of product that offer value adds & enhanced experiences at competitive prices. This is mandating modernisation of plants and after market that can generated new value added services to make this happen.


Driving factors:

Usually modernization of industrial plant that would need replacement of the existing machineries requires huge investments. However Industry 4.0 enablers like AR/VR/MR powered Digital Twins, 3D Models, Advanced Analytics & remote capabilities can help bring down the cost of this modernization.
Virtually Connected Buyer’s Market:
AR/VR services in the field of industrial application can help increase the customer centric approach & focus on user experience, connected PoS/Customer demanding value added products/services & enable connected & virtual man, material & machine management, quality control by simplifying deployment & maintenance.
Quicker Time to Market through the use of virtual reality gadgets
VR Gadgets can help get quick feedback from customer helping suppliers’ to conceptualize new product or product variant launch.
Mixed Reality helping bring Agility in Product Life Cycle Management:
Need for speed to market has made suppliers to bring agility in entire life cycle of product – Design, Prototype, Produce, Commercialize and Serve (After Market). MR helps interaction through virtual objects with the real-life environment using HoloLens to facilitate designing, equipment setup & production.

IoT powered VR solutions in supply chain management:

In the new era of Industry 4.0 driven by Physical & Digital convergence, the enterprises are dissolving boundaries through Connected Customer, Connected product & Connected Services. This is making plants/manufacturing units capable of autonomous, virtual & remote exchange of information, that trigger real time actions/events and help address customer choices/preferences, production processes for better quality, speed to deliver & value added services. Plexus solutions can help industries to improve their supply chain practices. AR solutions can help navigate & do route optimization for transportation & vehicle scheduling. This will also improve the efficiency of the field force and assist them in visualizing & following the complex procedures remotely.


Training in a virtual environment:

Working in an assembly line or in a workshop always has risk associated with it for the worker. This risk is increased even further if the worker is a recruit and don’t have much experience with machines and tools. Virtual reality will help a worker to practice in a virtual environment by interacting with its nearby tools and machines. He will be able to grasp all the operations of the plant in the virtual world and learn the proper way of performing a task. This will also reduce the cost associated with real-life training and eliminate the risk regarding machine failure.

Designing in a virtual environment:

Virtual Reality also encourages designing in a simulated environment. By wearing a head-mounted display a user can recreate a manufacturing line in the virtual world, and locate potential hazard points even before the component is developed in real life. Designing parts in a virtual environment will also reduce the cost associated with building a prototype or model of the component, and allow the user to eliminate errors in the design itself.


Maintenance and Inspection through AR:

Inspecting and maintaining the quality of an assembly/manufacturing has become quite easier through augmented and virtual reality solutions. An inspection specialist with a mixed reality headset like HoloLens can visit its facility and safely inspect and conduct routine maintenance of equipment by following the instructions visible on the screen. This will also allow the quality inspector to conduct frequent inspections easily, at a low cost. A virtual walk-through of the workshop can be performed more frequently by an expert.

Evolving New Services

Customer’s customer becomes part of the new “Ecosystem”. there is a new “As a Services Economy” – Product as Services, Data as Services, Manufacturing as a Services. Manufacturing has to become agile to respond to customer’s feedback. Customized products/services. 3D printing will be “new normal” & there will be a quantum shift from mass production to batch production where “batch” is “one unit”.


Artificial Intelligence:

The power of AI thinking and learning will help machines to learn from the existing data and enable them to predict the future outcomes with near 100% accuracy to forecast the future decisions of the organization and help in improving sales forecast, production planning  in the industry. Business Intelligence & AI in SCM will help bring insight in business value creation & productivity improvement.


IoT requires a comprehensive ecosystem to leverage the best-of-breed and industry graded disparate solutions, using disruptive technologies and platform to meet customer expectation and industry 4.0 needs. The ecosystem needs an engagement platform to collaborate where industry focused technology solutions can be co-sourced & assembled to deliver a successful digital transformation programs for customers. Plexus enables customers, partners, start-ups and developer communities to quickly establish, demonstrate and monazite AR/VR powered, enterprise grade IoT-based applications in a secure, configurable and scalable manner.


Real Estate solutions to change the construction industry paradigm

Plexus “Immersive World” solutions with ne “Spatial Computing” on Apple Vision Pro & Meta Quest 3 devices will revolutionize the experience for end customers, architects, designers & urban planning departments. Also out IoT based connected Asset Insight Solutions and cloud integration expertise, help solve the material planning/tracking, work force and asset management issues at construction site. 
Enabling Smart Plant to Smart Enterprise Journey:
Plexus helps its customers accelerate the disruptive solutions deployment through integrated architecture that uses a combination of digital, IoT and Virtual technologies with conventional manufacturing practices to improve production uptime, cycle time reduction & reduce the wastage.
Use of AI in AR VR solutions
Plexus builds & factors customized AI Solutions (to work with 3D models) in all its AR VR solutions to achieve RoI for your defined business objectives. AI can be used to solve problems like helping business to increase sales, improver customer experience, automate work process and provide predictive analytics.
Enabling Digital Work Instructions
Plexus helps through augmented, virtual, and mixed reality solutions to enable the digital work instructions for machine operators, set up processes & quality control activities. Our services also include plants to design, automate, train and maintain.