AR Apparel

Plexus AR Apparel Solutions

Augmented Reality Solutions with State of the Art 3D Modelling

360° View & High Tech 3D Modelling
Immersive & Engaging Experience
New Virtual Design Try-On (Multiple Options)
Seamlessly Integrated with you Virtual Store & Showcase
Self Service - Integrated with Add To Cart & Payment Gateway
Augmented Data Management - Learning Models for Customer Profiling & Preference Management

Plexus Apparel Solutions using NexGen AR VR

Plexus 3D modelling, virtual display and tray-on capabilities combined with our AR and VR innovations can transform your Apparel business. We are working with new types of CAD-CAM & 3D modelling technologies that can create a big data design store for various customer profiles &  integrated with AI ML & DL techniques to offer recommendations, provide immersive experience, offer new options & help for all your customers take right & quick decisions.

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