AR for Optics Business

AR For Optics Business

Augmented Reality Solution for Optics

360° View
Immersive & Engaging Experience
Multiple Options for Try-On
Linked with Virtual Store & Showcase
Integrated with Add to Cart & Payment Gateway
Leaning Models for Customer Profiling & Preference Management

Plexus Innovations in NexGen AR VR

Plexus display and optical combined with AR and VR innovations can transform our customer business. We are working with new types of optical and photonics technologies that can be integrated with next-generation virtual reality and augmented reality (VR/AR) solutions to achieve a better sense of display immersion for the user.

IoT enabled Sensors for Light-Field View

Plexus MR combines the concepts of VR and AR with a flexible & integrated architecture to deliver high-performance imaging experiences using combiner optics to producing a light-field vs. large-fields view. Plexus MR is supported with various IoT Solutions that use sensor technologies to provide eye tracking, gesture sensing, depth map sensing, head tracking and authentication.


Plexus Transforming the Traditional Retail Business

Plexus Virtual Reality solutions for Optics Retail business make the customer engagement & buying interactive, immersive and brings a new level of buying experience for all its customers when they do online purchase of products and services. Our VR solutions provide unique Try-On features to enable a smart choice to the customers & help take friends & family feedback before make a decision.

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